Frequently Asked Questions About
Dr Lewis Nutrition®, Dietary Supplements, Health, And Science
How is Dr Lewis Nutrition® different from other dietary supplement companies?
Dr Lewis Nutrition® prides itself on being an evidence-based, science-driven company. Whereas most dietary supplement companies have little to no history of primary involvement in research and development, our company is founded by a scientist who has spent the better part of his career to date conducting the studies that support our formulas. The culmination of our work is a targeted catalog of products based on statistically and clinically significant studies that have been published in peer-reviewed journals. Thus, Dr Lewis Nutrition® assures you that we will only sell products that we have thoroughly evaluated by our team as part of a rigorous scientific process, a business model that is unique and mostly unequaled in this industry.
What is a dietary supplement?
A dietary supplement is a product that is intended to supplement the diet and contains one or more dietary ingredients: (1) macronutrients, i.e., carbohydrates, amino acids, or fatty acids, (2) vitamins and minerals, (3) herbs or other botanicals, or (4) other dietary substances. It also is intended to be taken by mouth, so it cannot be injected or given by intravenous infusion, which would constitute a drug. It cannot be represented as a conventional food or sole item of a meal or the diet. Companies who sell dietary supplements are prohibited from making a drug claim about their products (e.g., claims to cure or treat a disease). For more information, see the Health Information page at the Office of Dietary Supplements of the National Institutes of Health. The Office of Dietary Supplements, a part of the National Institutes of Health, works to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting research, disseminating research results, and educating the public about the efficacy and safety of dietary supplements to foster an enhanced quality of life and health for the U.S. population.
What are the different types of dietary supplements?
Dietary supplements fall into several distinct categories: (1) micronutrients - vitamins and minerals; (2) macronutrients - essential fatty acids (ALA and DHA), carbohydrates or saccharides, and amino acids; (3) phytochemicals, e.g., curcumin, lycopene, and isoflavones; (4) herbs (botanicals), e.g., St. John’s wort and Siberian ginseng; (5) zoochemicals, e.g., conjugated linoleic acid and bee pollen; and (6) miscellaneous types, e.g., probiotics, glucosamine, and melatonin. For more information, see the Fact Sheet for Consumers page at the Office of Dietary Supplements of the National Institutes of Health.
How big is the dietary supplement industry?
It is not easy to calculate the figure exactly, but the U.S. domestic dietary supplement industry is estimated to be a staggering $60 Billion in annual sales and is growing between 5 and 10% per year. For comparison, the production of animals for food was just under $3 Trillion in the U.S. in 2017. The worldwide sale of pharmaceuticals was just under $1 Trillion in 2013, and the U.S. accounts for more than a third of the global pharmaceutical market with $340 Billion in annual sales followed by the E.U. and Japan. Current revenue in the American cosmetics industry is roughly $60 Billion. Thus, while the dietary supplement industry is not as big as some of the others, it is huge and growing. About 80,000 dietary supplements are on the market today, and the Institute of Medicine estimates that 1,000 new products are introduced into the market every year.
Nutrition Business Journal. (2012). Nutrition Business Journal Supplement Business Report 2012. Cleveland, OH: Penton Media, Inc.
What are the leading condition-specific categories of dietary supplement sales?
The 10 leading categories of condition-specific dietary supplement sales are the following: (1) sports, energy, and weight control - $7.4 Billion; (2) general health - $4.5 Billion; (3) heart health - $2.0 Billion; (4) cold/flu and immune function - $2.0 Billion; (5) bone health - $1.8 Billion; (6) joint health - $1.6 Billion; (7) gastrointestinal health - $1.2 Billion; (8) diabetes/blood sugar control - $976 Million; (9) hair, skin, and nails - $556 Million; and (10) brain and mental health - $537 Million. The brain health niche is approaching the $2 Billion mark in sales globally. Up to this point, sales of brain health supplements have been driven by omega-3 fatty acids, the B vitamins, vitamin C, and phosphatidylserine. However, Dr Lewis Nutrition® is creating product differentiation in the brain health niche with Daily Brain Care and its future products.
Nutrition Business Journal. (2012). Nutrition Business Journal Supplement Business Report 2012. Cleveland, OH: Penton Media, Inc.
Starling, S. (October 21, 2013). Global brain health market pushing $2bn mark as Asia and supplements shine. Accessed January 26, 2022.
How many Americans regularly take a dietary supplement?
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among American adults at least 20 years of age and over, 58% used at least one dietary supplement in the past 30 days from the time the question was asked during the study, and more women (64%) had used a supplement than men (51%). Dietary supplements were more frequently used overall and in both sexes with advancing age, and the greatest overall use was among women 60 years of age and over (80%). Using two or more dietary supplements also increased with age. From 2007–2008 through 2017–2018, dietary supplement use increased among American adults of all ages. The typical dietary supplement user in the U.S. is an older, non-Hispanic white female who is physically active and has a higher level of education than average.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2003). National health and nutrition examination survey. Available at: Accessed January 26, 2022.
Freeman, J.W., & Landis, J. (1997). Alternative/complementary therapies. South Dakota Journal of Medicine, 50, 65-66.
Krastins, M., Ristinen, E., Cimino, J.A., & Mamtani, R. (1998). Use of alternative therapies by a low-income population. Acupuncture and Electrotherapeutics Research, 23, 135-142.
Mishra, S., Stierman, B., Gahche, J.J., & Potischman, N. (2021). Dietary supplement use among adults: United States, 2017–2018. NCHS Data Brief, no 399. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. DOI:
Does the FDA regulate the sale of dietary supplements?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve dietary supplements for sale in the U.S., nor does the dietary supplement industry operate under product standardization with FDA oversight. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, a dietary supplement manufacturer must ensure that its products are safe before they are sold. Additionally, dietary supplement manufacturers are expected to operate according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), which are requirements related to manufacturing, preparation, and storage of products to ensure quality. Additionally, manufacturers have to guarantee the identity, purity, strength, and composition of their products. If a manufacturer is shown to violate any of these standards and/or cause harm to consumers, then FDA can take action to put the manufacturer out of business. Thus, FDA is responsible for acting against any unsafe dietary supplement product after it reaches the market. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) oversees the advertising of dietary supplements in all media. The FTC mandates that all information about dietary supplements be honest and not deceptive. For more information, see the Frequently Asked Questions of the Health Information page at the Office of Dietary Supplements of the National Institutes of Health.
What is the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994?
The DSHEA was passed with the support of more than 70 Senate co-sponsors and more than half of the House of Representatives. Its major provisions were: (1) recognition of a new category of regulated food “Dietary Supplements” for the first time; (2) specification that the existing practice of regulating dietary supplements as food would continue including GMPs, claims, and no premarket approval requirement; and (3) prohibition by the FDA use of food additives process to regulate supplement ingredients. It created safety standards for dietary supplements, so that FDA: (1) can seize products that are adulterated or misbranded; (2) can remove a product from the market that presents a “significant or unreasonable risk of injury or illness;” (3) can remove from the market a dietary supplement that poses “an imminent hazard to public health or safety;” and (4) must be notified before a new dietary ingredient is introduced into the market. It created three categories of product and label claims: (1) Structure/Function claims that must be submitted to FDA with a required disclaimer; (2) Nutrient content claims; and (3) Health claims for the prevention or reduction of risk of disease with either (a) Full Unqualified Health claims that require significant scientific agreement, i.e., authoritative statement of scientific body or (b) Qualified Health claims with some scientific support, but not significant scientific agreement. Structure/Function claims are commonly used by dietary supplement companies for the following: (1) affect a structure or function in humans; (2) mechanism by which the compound or molecule acts to maintain such structure or function; (3) describe general well-being from consumption; (4) may not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; (5) require mandatory disclaimer and post-marketing notification; and (6) must have substantiation that statement is truthful and not misleading.
How do I determine if I need to take a dietary supplement and which one(s) should I take?
With so many choices, how do you decide what to buy? Purchasing a dietary supplement is similar to other consumer decisions, e.g., buying an automobile, with one big distinction: your decision could have a dramatic impact on your health. Thus, you should do your homework on the potential product (nutrient) and the company who manufacturers and/or sells it. One factor could be related to your current health status. If you are in good health, then you may think you do not need to take dietary supplements compared to someone currently faced with a health challenge. However, few people today are eating an optimally healthy diet, exercising as often as they should, and managing other health-related behaviors, as evidenced by the enormous epidemics of chronic diseases in the U.S., so everyone could benefit from taking dietary supplements. Another factor could be if you have a specific nutrient deficiency; some of the biggest ones being vitamins D and B12 and magnesium. Many Americans are not getting adequate levels of these micronutrients today, so dietary supplementation may be warranted in these cases. One of the biggest problems associated with the typical product on the market is the level of bioavailability or absorption of the active ingredient(s). If you are an athlete competing in a sport, according to the American College of Sports Medicine, adequate selection of nutrients and supplements, adjusting intake according to the exercise performed, is necessary for optimal performance. Additionally, does the product have supportive science that indicates it may be effective in having an effect on the intended organ (system) or your overall health? Here at Dr Lewis Nutrition®, we strive to bring you the most efficacious products backed by scientific scrutiny and evaluation, so that you not only have the best chance of being healthy, but you get the best value for your purchase.
What is bioavailability and why is it important?
Through the intake of food or supplements, we supply all nutrients to our bodies. Absorption takes place in the intestinal cells. These cells are covered with a fine water film. Only water-soluble substances that can permeate this water film are directly absorbed. The bioavailability and absorption of highly water-soluble substances, such as saccharides, salts, or vitamin C, are higher than fat-soluble substances. Fat-soluble substances cannot permeate the intestinal water film and have to be “pre-treated.” This pre-treatment takes place indirectly in the intestine by the formation of micelles using gall salts. These micelles allow fat-soluble nutrients and phytochemicals to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Otherwise, they would be excreted and the body would be unable to use them. Generally, the higher the level of bioavailability of a product or nutrient, the more of it your body’s end-target cells are ultimately able to utilize it for its physiological capabilities.
Heger, M., & Lewis, J.E. (2017). Dietary supplements and health: The essence of bioavailability. Available at: Accessed January 26, 2022.
What is cellular health?
The human body is comprised of trillions of cells. Each cell is pre-programmed to go through a cycle of life and death called apoptosis. This process is crucial for the body’s normal regeneration process, as all cells need to be replaced to ensure optimal functioning and health. Likewise, each cell is dependent on a sufficient supply of oxygen, elements, and other nutrients to function properly so that the normal apoptosis process occurs. As these raw materials are supplied to each cell, health is maintained, so that each cell can perform its functions properly.
Why is cellular health important?
Assuming a cell is healthy, it is able to conduct its functions properly. Some of these functions include oxidative respiration, phosphorylation, methylation, and enzymatic catalysis; all of which are essential for conducting the bioengineering of life. Cells become organs, which become organ systems. Our overall health is dependent on all cells functioning properly in harmony to allow us to live well daily. If cells, hence organs, are healthy, then ultimately the entire human system is healthy. Overall health requires all cells to be healthy and functioning properly.
What is the difference between healthspan and lifespan?
Life span is the total amount of time in a person’s life from birth to death, regardless of any measure of the quality of life in between. In comparison, healthspan is a recent term that is used to directly reflect the wellbeing of a person’s life in relationship to the number of years lived. Part of our philosophy at Dr Lewis Nutrition® is that we endeavor to improve the healthspan by enhancing nutrition with the highest quality dietary supplements. As the scientific literature continues evolving, nutrition is most certainly now known as the number one behavior for achieving and maintaining health (or lack thereof with nutritional deficiency). Thus, besides eating an organic whole-food, plant-based diet, taking efficacious dietary supplements to augment the diet is your best strategy to ensure that you maximize your healthspan.
What is the definition of a clinical trial?
According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), a clinical trial is: “A research study in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of those interventions on health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes.” Thus, a clinical trial is different from studies on cells and tissues (primarily in vitro or ex vivo), experiments on animals (pre-clinical), and epidemiological studies, where large groups of people are followed and measured over time with no regard for manipulating their behaviors or subjecting them to an intervention. Ideally, you want to look for dietary supplements that contain ingredients that are supported by clinical trials.
How are the results of research studies typically published?
Scientists can publish the results of their work in a few ways. The most credible way is to submit their findings in a written article to what is called a peer-reviewed journal. This form of periodical is different from a mainstream magazine that contains articles that are not scrutinized by one or more other scientists for legitimacy or accuracy. In the peer-review process, other scientists evaluate the findings for accuracy, suitability, worthiness, and other related factors deemed important to that particular journal. The process usually consists of one or more rounds of review, providing the authors the opportunity to respond to questions or edits suggested by the reviewers until the last version of the article is approved. At that point, the article is then put into the journal’s stream of upcoming articles to be included in a subsequent issue. This peer-review process ensures that scientists of equal or greater credentials and experience as the authors evaluate the work that has been done so that the article representing the body of work meets minimum requirements for the conduct of suitable science. This is the standard publication method through which all scientists must pass to share their work with others. Other methods of publication include presentations and lectures at conferences, workshops, and other meetings and summaries or abstracts of the full article in conference proceedings or symposia. These last two forms of publication may be peer-reviewed, but usually, they are not.
How can I understand the results of a research article about dietary supplements, nutrition, or health in general if I have no scientific training or experience?
Without an advanced university degree, e.g., Ph.D. or M.D., it may be difficult to fully understand a research article, particularly if the topic is very heavy in biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, or genetics. Even someone with an advanced degree may not fully understand the results of a study in a particular field that is outside his/her specialty or area of expertise. Thus, you may have to rely on interpreting as best as you can the summary of the study’s findings written in the abstract. The abstract is a condensed version of the full article that is meant to give you the gist of the findings as concisely as possible. Also, if you understand the concept of hypothesis testing, then you know that for most studies you are looking for a statistically significant difference, finding, or relationship at or below a certain level (usually p<0.05, i.e., 1 in 20 that some event occurred by chance). In addition to statistical significance, sometimes the concept of clinical significance is just as important. For example, a relationship might be statistically significant (p=0.02), but it has no clinical relevance because the finding does not translate into a useful distinction between treatments or groups of subjects. The converse could be true as well, i.e., a clinically significant finding that is not statistically significant, so you have to pay attention to the possibility of that situation as well. The bottom line is that it is difficult to fully understand or appreciate the findings of research for most people, but resources exist today online to help non-scientists understand science and you may be fortunate to have someone in your life who has a bit of training and experience who can help you wade through all of the jargon to discern what is relevant and meaningful for you.
Frequently Asked Questions About
Daily Brain Care
Have any studies been conducted on humans taking Daily Brain Care?
Yes, a similar, previous version of Daily Brain Care was evaluated in two studies; (1) in a sample of subjects with Alzheimer’s disease and (2) in a sample of subjects with multiple sclerosis. Additional research has been published on other key nutrients and phytochemicals in this formula.
Why should I choose Daily Brain Care over other products marketed and sold for brain health?
Daily Brain Care is the culmination and backing of many years of scientific investigation. Dr. Lewis and his colleagues have spent a considerable portion of their careers investigating the effects of key nutrients that are beneficial for not just the brain, but for overall health. In comparison, many other dietary supplement companies are run by executives with little to no scientific experience or background and with an inferior understanding of how to utilize research to bring effective products to market. Our philosophy at Dr Lewis Nutrition® is to formulate the most efficacious products based on sound science with top-quality ingredients at a value that cannot be beaten by the competition. Additionally, all of the Dr Lewis Nutrition® team take Daily Brain Care. We only sell products that we also take for ourselves. In other words, we stand behind what we sell in every way imaginable, and we will utilize the principles of continuous improvement to always be on the forefront of offering the best product line for your health.
What should I notice once I start taking Daily Brain Care?
We anticipate that you may experience the “white box effect” of our product. As opposed to the black box effect that refers to unknown or unanticipated adverse effects due to taking pharmaceuticals, we anticipate that you might experience a whole host of benefits from taking our product. For example, some people experience an initial mild detoxing effect that may be noticed as increased bowel movements or even loose stool. This is not to be interpreted as a problem but the effect of enhanced nutrition helping to detoxify your system, which normalizes in a short time (usually less than a week). If the effect persists, then the dose can be lowered to minimize it. Additionally, you may experience more energy, better sleep, less pain, happier mood, a sharper mind, better clarity, heightened awareness, more focus, better recovery from exercise or other physical activity, and a better sense of overall well-being. Please let us know what effects you feel as you begin taking our product consistently.
How long does it take to feel the effects of Daily Brain Care?
It is difficult to accurately answer the question of when will you feel its effects. Everyone is obviously different in terms of health and nutrition status, exposure to chemicals and toxins, genetic and biochemical makeup, age, and other behavioral and environmental factors. Some people respond to the product within a few days, and others take a few months (90 days or so), while the majority of people fall somewhere in between. However, even if you do not necessarily “feel” its effects, it is helping you because it lowers inflammation and oxidation, improves organ function, increases stem cell production, and improves your overall nutritional status, so all of these effects are very important even if you cannot “feel” them. The dose of the product is also important to consider as well. If you are only taking 2 scoops per day and you have serious chronic health issues, then that may not be a big enough dose, particularly if you have been dealing with your issues for years. Remember that it can take the body a long time to become ill based on our behaviors, so we must be patient in allowing the body time to heal itself once we start giving it the nutrients that it needs to function properly. Just be consistent with taking Daily Brain Care, and you will reap its benefits.
When and how should I take Daily Brain Care?
Mix one scoop of Daily Brain Care in water, juice, protein shake, smoothie, cereal, soup, pudding, or other food of your choice. Take one serving with breakfast and one serving with dinner or as directed by your health care professional. You can use the same strategy if taking Daily Brain Care in capsules. You can consume them with food or whatever works best for your daily routine. If you feel it is necessary, you can certainly take even more, as we are not aware of an upper limit that would create a toxic dose. In this case, more can be better.
If I am planning to get pregnant, I am pregnant, or I am nursing, can I take Daily Brain Care?
Yes, Daily Brain Care is safe for any woman who is thinking about getting pregnant, pregnant, or nursing. The formula is all-natural and provides many of the nutrients and raw materials for our cells to function properly from cradle to grave. In all of our years of experience, we have not seen any situation that would be contraindicated for taking Daily Brain Care, including pregnancy and nursing. In fact, this formula helps to support all aspects of growth and development for both the mother and child.
Why should Daily Brain Care be a part of my regular healthcare routine?
Among other reasons, you should take Daily Brain Care because of the promising and vital information being documented in the ever-growing field of glycomics. The study of glycomics shows us the importance of polysaccharides (sugars) and how they are used in so many more ways than just as an energy source. The discoveries in the field of glycomics reveal the ways in which particular polysaccharides are utilized by every cell in the human body. These polysaccharides are typically lacking in the modern diet. Thus, it is necessary for us to obtain them in concentrated form in high-quality dietary supplements like Daily Brain Care. We have published the benefits of these polysaccharides in several studies; showing multiple benefits that are crucial to your health. For more information, please see What are polysaccharides?
I take other supplements. Can I take Daily Brain Care on top of my existing supplement routine?
Yes, you can take your other supplements with Daily Brain Care. Daily Brain Care has no known adverse interactions with other dietary supplements or medications. As we roll out our entire product line over the next couple of years, you may consider replacing your other products with ours, based on our approach to providing you the best products with comprehensive scientific evaluation and enhanced biotechnology.
How is Daily Brain Care different from a multivitamin?
Daily Brain Care is not intended to be a multivitamin/mineral supplement. Products such as a multivitamin/mineral contain exactly what their name suggests: the recommended daily allowance of most vitamins and minerals and sometimes substantially more than the recommended allowance for some of the nutrients. Daily Brain Care contains some vitamins and minerals, but it is not intended to be a multivitamin/mineral supplement per se. Rather, we have formulated our product with a significant amount of vital polysaccharides (sugars) and other important phytonutrients, such as carotenoids. For more information, please see the Benefits of Daily Brain Care.
Can I take Daily Brain Care with my prescription medications?
You can be assured that Daily Brain Care is not known to have any problematic interactions with your prescription and over-the-counter medications or other dietary supplements. In all of our experience with Daily Brain Care, we are aware of no known complications with other products.
How long will one tub or bottle of Daily Brain Care last me?
Normally, one 150 g tub of Daily Brain Care in a powder will last 30 days. Each tub contains 60 servings, which is the recommended two servings per day for 30 days. If you are middle aged or older and/or suffering from any health challenge, then we suggest you increase your daily amount to four servings per day, which would mean that your tub would last 15 days. If you are taking Daily Brain Care in capsules, then 4 capsules per day will last you 30 days. If you are middle aged or older and/or suffering from any health challenge, then we suggest you increase your daily amount to eight capsules per day, which would mean that your bottle would last 15 days.
How much Daily Brain Care should I order to get started?
We recommend that you consider the monthly subscription to weigh the relative value of your order, when starting with our products. Incorporating Daily Brain Care into your regular routine requires a minimal investment of your time to experience its benefits. Whether it is two or more times per day, taking Daily Brain Care should easily become part of your usual routine. We offer a discount and the ease of automated monthly delivery when you enroll in the monthly subscription.
Frequently Asked Questions About
Ordering Daily Brain Care
Do you offer any volume discounts on orders?
We are excited to be able to pass on savings to our customers who buy more than one unit of Daily Brain Care at a time. This is a great way for you to save money, and a discount may even help you share Daily Brain Care with family and friends. In addition, we always offer free shipping on all orders over $99 in the continental United States.
We offer discounts on Daily Brain Care in powder and in capsules.
Daily Brain Care Powder:
Purchase 3-5 units to receive 5% off the total retail price.
Purchase 6-8 units to receive 10% off the total retail price.
Purchase 9 or more units to receive 15% off the total retail price.
Daily Brain Care Capsules:
Purchase 3-5 units at $35 each.
Purchase 6 or more units at $29.95 each.
The discount will be automatically applied to your order based on the number of units of product in your shopping cart when you check out.
How are monthly orders delivered?
We use standard logistics and fulfillment procedures to ensure that your order will be received on time and without any interruptions. Thus, you can count on Dr Lewis Nutrition® to provide you with customer service that is second to none. Our monthly subscription features a schedule that times each shipment on the day of the month before you finish the prior month’s amount according to the daily serving. If you decide to change your daily amount, then you can notify us to adjust the shipping schedule accordingly. Until you make any changes, all future shipments will be processed every 30 days. When you need to change your schedule, contact us for help at
How long will it take for my order to arrive?
Your order will arrive according to the schedule of the U.S. Postal Service’s Priority Mail service. Typically, priority mail is delivered in one to three days.
What should I do if I have not received my order?
If your package does not arrive in the amount of time according to your order placed, then please contact us at We will identify the problem and resolve it immediately.
Is shipping really free?
Yes, you can receive free shipping on all orders over $99 in the continental United States.
Why was my subscription canceled?
If you were notified that your monthly subscription was canceled, but you did not request a cancellation, then it could have been due to an error in your stored payment information and/or we were unable to process your payment due to some other error. Our standard procedure is to process your credit card three times and contact you via email twice prior to cancellation to best ensure your subscription continues as planned. Please contact customer service at, and we will remedy this problem immediately.
Why can I not add another subscription to my account?
If you already have a subscription and want to place an order for someone else, you need to create a new account. Having a separate account for each customer allows us to properly track all orders and billing and shipping information. This method assures you that we can provide you with the best possible customer service, including timely deliveries of your orders. If you need any help creating a new account, please contact customer service at, and we will help you.
I want to change from a one-time order to a subscription. What do I do?
You can make any changes to your account by visiting your profile and selecting the products and the monthly subscription package. You can immediately proceed to check out with your new preferences.
Can I track my package?
Yes, you will receive the tracking number for your order at the time your order is placed. Any problems or questions can be addressed by customer service at, and we will help you.
My tracking link is not working. What should I do?
If the link is not working, you can try to copy and paste the number into the search tool at the U.S. Postal Service’s website. If that still does not work, then contact customer service at (Please provide your e-mail order confirmation.) and your tracking information will be corrected.
Can I cancel my order or subscription at any time? If so, what are the terms?
Yes, you may cancel your subscription at any time. We also give you a 90-day money-back guarantee for all unopened products. If you are ever dissatisfied with an order, you may return any opened product for a full refund within 30 days. These terms are not applicable for international orders.
Do you offer a wholesale program for licensed physicians or other clinicians?
If you are a licensed clinician, e.g., physician, acupuncturist, naturopath, chiropractor, etc., then contact us about our wholesale program for our products.